Author: vision2victory

May I Borrow Your Boat?

In Luke 5, we read the story of the miraculous catch of fish, and the calling of Peter from being a catcher of fish to a catcher of men. As I was studying this passage last week, I heard the Lord ask me, “May I borrow your boat?” You see, when Jesus asked Peter to […]

Fruit of the Vine

When I was kindly given two tomato plants last spring by a co-worker, I decided to have a go and try to grow tomatoes. Now, I’m a city girl. I don’t like dirt, sweat, animals, or being in the middle of nowhere. As such, I live in a condo with my husband. Since we don’t […]

The Lord Will Fight

I’m so excited about my book being released in the coming weeks! I believe it will be life-changing for many people. Consequently I’ve noticed an increase in the amount of spiritual attacks lately. I’m sure I’m not the only believer who has experienced a rise in demonic activity just before some advances in God’s Kingdom. […]

Voice & Vision

“And the Lord said, Behold, they are one people and they have all one LANGUAGE; and this is only the beginning of what they will do, and now nothing they have IMAGINED they can do will be impossible for them.” (Genesis‬ ‭11‬:‭6‬ ‭AMPC‬‬) The Bible mentions two instances where the people of God joined together […]

Believing is Seeing

In the world, it’s common to hear the phrase, “Seeing is believing”, but in the Kingdom of God, many things can appear upside-down. Jesus told us the last shall be first, the weak will be strong, the sad will receive joy, and the lonely will become families. We are promised that those who have not […]

Align with the Divine

This March 28th, there is a rare planetary alignment happening! This will occur only seven times this millennium. Jesus told us to be aware of the signs in the heavens, so my spirit leaped when I read about this in the news. So, what exactly is a planetary alignment? It’s when a several planets gather […]

Women & The Word

I discovered this scripture last summer, right before I started writing my first book. It says, “The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng” (Psalm 68:11). With tomorrow being International Women’s Day, I thought I would share some thoughts. In context, King David is describing the ancient custom […]

How Long?

The other day I was reading in the book of Joshua, where Joshua asks several of the tribes of Israel “How long will you be slack, (or neglect to go) and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers has given you?” (See Joshua 18:3) You see, only half of the tribes at […]

Tearing Our Hearts

As many of you know, I often receive visions while I worship the Lord, especially when I am worshipping with a body of believers. Sunday was New Year’s Day, and I was blessed with the following prophetic vision that I wanted to share with you. First, I saw the torn veil that had been hanging […]

Joy To The World

It’s Christmas Carol season! I so enjoy hearing them on the radio stations and being sung at our church during the month of December. In fact, just yesterday, as we were singing “Joy to the World” I had a sweet moment with the Lord.  You see, I was never raised in church or ever really […]