I’m so excited about my book being released in the coming weeks! I believe it will be life-changing for many people. Consequently I’ve noticed an increase in the amount of spiritual attacks lately. I’m sure I’m not the only believer who has experienced a rise in demonic activity just before some advances in God’s Kingdom.
In the face of these attacks, I was faced with two choices: faith or fear. To be honest, my initial reaction was fear. But I quickly allowed my spirit to take authority over my mind, and I began to think and speak in line with God’s Word.
I had weapons with which to fight! But they were not physical weapons. I came against the enemy’s advances with the name and the blood of Jesus, and with the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
The young shepherd boy, David, knew this truth. He yelled to the giant Goliath, “You come against me with a sword and a spear, but I come against you in the name of the Lord God Almighty!”
Scripture is full of examples of God fighting for His people. I’d like to share a few of the declarations that I have been saying recently. They have helped me claim the victory in the recent battles before me:
The Lord commands justice and vindication for me! (Ps. 7:6)
Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me! (Ps. 35:1)
You deliver me from those who try to rob and steal from me! (Ps. 35:10)
God has redeemed my life in peace from every battle that is against me. (Ps 55:18)
The Lord is my helper I will not be afraid. What can men do to me? (Ps. 118:6)
Rescue me from all those who persecute me, for I am no match for them! (Ps. 142:6)
I’m not sure which battles lie in front of you today, but I do know that our God promises to prepare a table before us in the very presence (not absence) of our enemies. Focus on the table of blessing, provision, fellowship and victory that is right in front of you.