Author: vision2victory

Volcanic Breakthrough

A couple of weeks ago, as I was praying and talking with the Lord, I saw an image of a large, dark volcano erupting. I asked the Lord what it meant, and I felt in my spirit that this volcano symbolized a great breakthrough that was imminent in my life and circumstances. Additionally, as the […]

Fruitful Failures

To be honest, this winter season has left me feeling quite disappointed and down. As I took an honest inventory of my life in this new year, I began to feel like such a failure at so many things in my life. I even cried as I wrote a list in my journal of all […]

Adiding & Thriving Even in Winter

Did you know that God not only wants you to survive this winter – but to thrive and abide this season?  Scripture tells us that as believers, we can produce fruit in every season, including the dismal months of January and February. Psalm 1:3 reminds us,  “They are like trees planted along the riverbak, bearing […]

Planning for MORE in 2024

As I was praying about 2024, I felt the Lord wanted me (and all of us) to continue to focus on three key activities: ABIDE, GROW and SERVE.  As we enter into the excitement of a new year, we should ask ourselves the following questions: 1. How will I continue to ABIDE with God in […]

The Whole Word

 I was awakened and troubled by a dream I had the other night. In the dream, the “Abbreviated” Bible version had been released and was being sold. This Abbreviated Bible was a shortened version of Scripture, where almost half of the original phrasing had been eliminated. It was marketed as being the latest and greatest […]

Perception Over Proof

In all honesty, I’ve been believing God for a lot lately. I’ve even given Him a deadline. How dare I do that, you ask? Well, I’m daring to believe that God has a good plan for my life, and that He’s willing and able to help. After all, who am I to deny what the […]

May I Borrow Your Boat?

In Luke 5, we read the story of the miraculous catch of fish, and the calling of Peter from being a catcher of fish to a catcher of men. As I was studying this passage last week, I heard the Lord ask me, “May I borrow your boat?” You see, when Jesus asked Peter to […]

Fruit of the Vine

When I was kindly given two tomato plants last spring by a co-worker, I decided to have a go and try to grow tomatoes. Now, I’m a city girl. I don’t like dirt, sweat, animals, or being in the middle of nowhere. As such, I live in a condo with my husband. Since we don’t […]

The Lord Will Fight

I’m so excited about my book being released in the coming weeks! I believe it will be life-changing for many people. Consequently I’ve noticed an increase in the amount of spiritual attacks lately. I’m sure I’m not the only believer who has experienced a rise in demonic activity just before some advances in God’s Kingdom. […]