Blog Posts

Steeping in the Spirit

I received another teapot vision during worship at church yesterday morning that I wanted to share. ☕️

We were all like teapots that were filled with hot water. As we steeped in the Holy Spirit, we became tastier and stronger. ?

The longer we steeped, the more flavor we had. We were then poured out into tea cups for others to drink. We were like soothing tea to the thirst of others. ?

I kept hearing the words “We are filled to be emptied again”. As we receive revelation and power from steeping in His presence, we are able to then go out and minister in His flavor, strength and power. ?

Pray with me: Oh Lord, I want to be so steeped in Your presence that I am poured out for You. ??

Closure & New Identity

I awoke this morning to the words CLOSURE and NEW IDENTITY.

For me, personally, that is a confirmation of my letting go of old endeavors and attitudes that were not helping me move forward. And it confirms a new beginning of ministry and writing.

What does it mean for you? Perhaps you are also supposed to bring an end to things in your life that you keep holding on to even though there is little grace to continue.

Maybe you are going from a disappointment to a reappointment and a new calling, a new anointing, or a new level in your walk.

Whatever it is, know that God is always moving, creating, and making a way when there seems to be no way. He is oftentimes closing one door and hoping you will go through another. ❤️