“Give me the weight of the wait”, Jesus said, as He stretched His hands out to mine.
Life is full of waiting, isn’t it? Waiting in line at traffic lights, in the store, on the phone. It’s not a matter of if we will wait but why and how long we will wait.
If you’re anything like me, patience is not my virtue, and I’m pretty sure God knows this! So, a couple of weeks ago the pastor at church asked us to picture Jesus, and then ask the Lord what He wanted us to give to Him. Not surprisingly, Jesus kindly asked me to give Him the weight of the wait; meaning the heaviness and pressure I had been feeling while I had been waiting for a breakthrough.
Of course I obliged, and handed Jesus the clock that had suddenly appeared in my hands. As I placed the clock into the Lord’s hands, He took it and handed me a large bunch of balloons in return. As I grabbed the balloons, I quickly began to rise and float into the air. Jesus grinned up at me as I giggled back. As I rose higher, the perspective of my surroundings began to change and I was able to see the bigger picture.
In the book of Genesis, Joseph was faced with many hardships on his journey from the pit to the palace, but he was able to see the big picture when God showed him a better perspective. Joseph told his brothers, who had previously sold him as a slave,
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (Genesis 50:20).
2 Corinthians 4:17 reminds us that our present troubles are light and momentary, and are achieving for us an eternal glory that outweighs them all.
This encounter reminded me of a few things about waiting that I’d like to share:
1. Make peace with God’s pace. The Bible is full of phrases like, at the appointed time, in due season, when the time had come, etc. We’d do ourselves a favor if we would just accept the fact that God has His own time table and our whining and complaining will not change it! Realize that waiting time is not wasted time but a training period. God is preparing you for your future. He is pruning and refining you through the waiting process. Today’s events (or non-events) are simply equipping you for your future.
2. Look for the bigger picture. What is really going on and what end result might the Lord be wanting to accomplish in you and through you? Partner with the Holy Spirit as He works in the midst of your situation. We are told that our strength is being renewed as we wait on the Lord. What is God strengthening in you through this? Which faith muscles are being built as you wait? Which truths do you need to establish in your heart as you wait? What good can come of this waiting? How will you be different at the end of this?
3. Worship while you wait. Instead of asking God why you are waiting so long or how long until your prayers will get answered, worship the Lord! Instead of worrying about how long the wait is, worship Him! Learn to worship instead of, worship in spite of, and worship in the middle of. As you do, the Lord promises to give you a garment of praise instead of a spirit of heaviness.
Won’t you pray with me today?
Father, we come to You in search of the bigger picture and the more important perspective You have for our lives. Help us to give You any weight, heaviness, or bondage we may be feeling while we are waiting. We give You our schedules and place our times in Your hands. Help us to remember that our delays are for our development, and our setbacks will become our setups. We are open to Your purpose for our lives even when we have unanswered questions. Thank You for protecting us from things we do not see, and for always accomplishing Your will at perfect, appointed times. In Jesus’ name, amen.