Blog Posts

A New Thing Coming

I didn’t realize it was Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year today, until I saw a Facebook reminder. I chuckled to myself as it was yet another sneaky reminder from the Lord of the message He had given me earlier in the week. 

Just a few days ago, I sensed that God wanted to release new relationships, new roles, new resources and new revelation in this season. Furthermore, I was supposed to partner with Him by believing, seeing and declaring that it would be so.

Soon afterward I was driving on my way to work, and a song began playing that confirmed what the Lord had just shared with me. I sang aloud with the band, “I can hear a sound, the abundance of rain, it looks like provision is headed our way. I can see a cloud, heavy with rain, it looks like revival is headed our way. I’ve got a new thing coming!”

I was reminded of two scriptures. The first being Isaiah 43:19,

Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it?”

The Holy Spirit will help us perceive, acknowledge, recognize, foresee, and expect the new things God is doing in our lives and circumstances. Plus, He longs for us to cooperate with His good plans for our lives. 

The second was the story of Elijah in I Kings. Elijah declares,

“…there is the sound of an abundance of rain” (I Kings 18:41, 44 AMP)

Here, Elijah is believing and declaring that rain is coming before he actually hears (or sees) any rain clouds in the physical sense. Yet he is expecting a downpour with his spiritual senses. His imagination coupled with his declaration became a manifestation! 

So what about you? What new things may the Lord be releasing in your life? What blessings could new relationships bring? Which new role might God be birthing in you? What kind of new resources are on the horizon? What new wisdom and revelation is headed your way?

Even though you may not see these things with your physical senses yet, are you able to foresee or imagine them with the eyes of your spirit? Can you expect them by faith? Are you willing to partner with God in acknowledgement and expectation? Your imagination coupled with your declaration can become a manifestation! 

Declare with me today: “I’ve got a new thing coming!”

Soul School

As a teacher, my summers are sacred. They allow me to rest, reflect and recharge for the next season. However, my past two summers have been devoted to writing, editing and publishing my first book. This year, I felt that I was to use these warm months for a little “soul” school. Our soul consists of our minds, wills, and emotions, and is often the very area where we need the most renewal and strength. As such, I’ve been taking special time to renew my mind with the truth of God’s word, so that it continues to abide in my heart more than any lies of the enemy. I’d like to share three basic truths that I’ve been meditating on, believing in, and speaking aloud recently.  

1. I am at peace with my past.

The Bible assures us that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). The apostle Paul also urges us to forget what lies behind and to press ahead in our walk (Philippians 3:13). Likewise, we are to remain in the freedom that comes with knowing that God has long forgotten and forgiven us (Galatians 5:1) Stop bringing up what God has forgotten and what has been covered by the blood of Jesus.

Therefore, let’s renounce shame and regret – and release glory and joy!

2. I am content with my present.

Scripture reveals the secret to contentment regardless of our present circumstances or situations is this: through Christ we can do anything we need to do (Philippians 4:11-13). Whether in plenty or in want, we can live in step with the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to make progress, be effective and live on purpose. God has already redeemed our lives in peace from every battle that may come against us (Psalm 55:18). Our present trials develop the rich fruit of love, joy, patience and peace in us as we navigate the ups and downs of life.

Therefore, let’s renounce daily worries and distractions – and release a continued trust, focus and clarity for today!

3. I am sure about my future. 

God is working all things out for our good, He is perfecting everything that concerns us, and God has plans to prosper us (Romans 8:28, Psalm 138:8, Jeremiah 29:11). So we have a hope-filled future! God has already gone ahead of us to make a way. The Bible reminds us that we are currently seated (spiritually) in heavenly places with Christ, and will also one day be raised together (physically) with Him. There is no need for us to wonder what the future holds.

Therefore, we renounce any fear of the future and any ignorance of the truth – and release the revelation knowledge of the Holy Spirit who guides us into all truth and tells us things to come.

The Weight of the Wait

“Give me the weight of the wait”, Jesus said, as He stretched His hands out to mine. 

Life is full of waiting, isn’t it? Waiting in line at traffic lights, in the store, on the phone. It’s not a matter of if we will wait but why and how long we will wait.

If you’re anything like me, patience is not my virtue, and I’m pretty sure God knows this! So, a couple of weeks ago the pastor at church asked us to picture Jesus, and then ask the Lord what He wanted us to give to Him. Not surprisingly, Jesus kindly asked me to give Him the weight of the wait; meaning the heaviness and pressure I had been feeling while I had been waiting for a breakthrough. 

Of course I obliged, and handed Jesus the clock that had suddenly appeared in my hands. As I placed the clock into the Lord’s hands, He took it and handed me a large bunch of balloons in return. As I grabbed the balloons, I quickly began to rise and float into the air. Jesus grinned up at me as I giggled back. As I rose higher, the perspective of my surroundings began to change and I was able to see the bigger picture. 

In the book of Genesis, Joseph was faced with many hardships on his journey from the pit to the palace, but he was able to see the big picture when God showed him a better perspective. Joseph told his brothers, who had previously sold him as a slave, 

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (Genesis 50:20).

2 Corinthians 4:17 reminds us that our present troubles are light and momentary, and are achieving for us an eternal glory that outweighs them all. 

This encounter reminded me of a few things about waiting that I’d like to share:

1. Make peace with God’s pace. The Bible is full of phrases like, at the appointed time, in due season, when the time had come, etc. We’d do ourselves a favor if we would just accept the fact that God has His own time table and our whining and complaining will not change it! Realize that waiting time is not wasted time but a training period. God is preparing you for your future. He is pruning and refining you through the waiting process. Today’s events (or non-events) are simply equipping you for your future.

2. Look for the bigger picture. What is really going on and what end result might the Lord be wanting to accomplish in you and through you? Partner with the Holy Spirit as He works in the midst of your situation. We are told that our strength is being renewed as we wait on the Lord. What is God strengthening in you through this? Which faith muscles are being built as you wait? Which truths do you need to establish in your heart as you wait? What good can come of this waiting? How will you be different at the end of this?  

3. Worship while you wait. Instead of asking God why you are waiting so long or how long until your prayers will get answered, worship the Lord! Instead of worrying about how long the wait is, worship Him! Learn to worship instead of, worship in spite of, and worship in the middle of. As you do, the Lord promises to give you a garment of praise instead of a spirit of heaviness. 

Won’t you pray with me today?  

Father, we come to You in search of the bigger picture and the more important perspective You have for our lives. Help us to give You any weight, heaviness, or bondage we may be feeling while we are waiting. We give You our schedules and place our times in Your hands. Help us to remember that our delays are for our development, and our setbacks will become our setups. We are open to Your purpose for our lives even when we have unanswered questions. Thank You for protecting us from things we do not see, and for always accomplishing Your will at perfect, appointed times. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Volcanic Breakthrough

A couple of weeks ago, as I was praying and talking with the Lord, I saw an image of a large, dark volcano erupting. I asked the Lord what it meant, and I felt in my spirit that this volcano symbolized a great breakthrough that was imminent in my life and circumstances. Additionally, as the ground around a volcano can begin to shake with activity and pressure soon before it erupts, so my soul was restless as I continued to wait for this impending release of miracles. 

Soon after I began to see bright orange lava flowing out of the volcano. This fiery liquid represented the glory of the Lord, as it began to permeate the volcano, as if this heavenly glory was flowing in and through me! Consequently, this lava flow of the Spirit was resulting in a more fruitful heart and mind, in much the same way that actual lava results in enriched soil to areas surrounding the volcano. 

In the weeks since this vision, I have been seeing volcanoes in books, and on television and the internet like never before!  I can’t tell you how much this volcano image has meant to me, especially in this dry and weary season in which I’ve found myself.

I love the song titled “Something Has to Break” by Essential Worship, and when I heard it again today I was reminded of the volcano vision. Part of the song exclaims, “Something has to break! Tear down every lie. Set the wrong thing right. When you have Your way, something has to break! I believe You’ll get me to it. I believe You’ll lead me through it. I believe that You will do it right now. Something has to break!” 

I believe that in the unseen, spiritual realm, prayers have been answered. Chains are broken. Justice has come. All is restored. I am deciding to partner with God and His agenda, rather than wavering and doubting along with the enemy. Things are already happening in the spiritual realm that will soon be made manifest here in the natural.

There is a lot of activity underneath a volcano before it erupts. It’s the same with our breakthrough. Just because we may not see anything happening in the natural, it doesn’t mean that nothing is happening in the spiritual realm. 

Would you pray with me? Father God, as we anticipate our breakthrough, help us to endure the shaking and pressure of waiting. As Your glory is released through us, let us partner with Your plans for our growth and enrichment. May our lives be volcanic mountains of Your grace and promises. In Jesus’ name, AMEN. 

Fruitful Failures

To be honest, this winter season has left me feeling quite disappointed and down. As I took an honest inventory of my life in this new year, I began to feel like such a failure at so many things in my life. I even cried as I wrote a list in my journal of all the things I had failed at lately. 

The most impactful feeling of failure I have had is my career choice, and feeling like my years and time have been wasted doing what God never designed for me to do. Perhaps you can relate?

I also reflected on how I had been unsuccessful at an online business attempt a few years ago. Have you ever tried an endeavor only to find you wasted more time and money?

Even this ministry that began a little over a year ago has appeared to produce little to no fruit, yet countless hours and resources have been sown into it. Have you ever ministered to no effect?

Even the book that the Holy Spirit prompted me to write has not lived up to my hopes and expectations. Ever spent months trying to produce something life-giving only to watch it slowly fade away?

I was honest with God and expressed how I felt. Sure enough, about a week later, my loving Father reassured me through His Word that I was certainly NOT a failure. As Paul addressed the Corinthian church he affirmed to them they were doing well in so many things.

He reminded them that they EXCELLED in their faith, their speaking, their revelation knowledge, their diligence, and in their love. Paul then urged them to also learn to excel in generosity (2 Corinthians 8:7).

As I pondered this verse, I heard a still, small voice reminding me that I have been excelling, not failing, in those exact same things: in trusting God, speaking His Word, gaining insight, remaining diligent, sharing love and being generous. 

As I looked at my “failure” list again and compared it to my “excelling” list, I heard the Holy Spirit ask, “Which areas are more important to succeed in?” Wow! What the world sees as success is so different from spiritual success!

As I rested in the loving words of Abba to my soul, a few days later He highlighted the verse, “Love never fails” (I Corinthians 13:8). I was reminded of the fact that if we walk in love, we can never really fail. As I glanced back at my earlier “failure” list, I realized that as long as I had done those things in love, then I did not fail, no matter the natural results. As long as I had been teaching in love, started a business in love, ministered to others in love, and written in love, then it was all a success in the Lord’s eyes, regardless of how it may appear in the here and now. 

I hope this encourages you to flourish through your “failures” and you find true spiritual success amid your natural struggles. May you see your obstacles as opportunities and view any earthly disappointment as a heavenly reappointment, in Jesus’ name, amen. 

Adiding & Thriving Even in Winter

Did you know that God not only wants you to survive this winter – but to thrive and abide this season? 

Scripture tells us that as believers, we can produce fruit in every season, including the dismal months of January and February. Psalm 1:3 reminds us, 

“They are like trees planted along the riverbak, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.”

Again, in Jeremiah 17:8 we are told,

“They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.”

Whether it’s the darkness of winter or the drought of summer, the key to thriving is staying rooted near the source of water and life. Our source of life is the Holy Spirit. As you allow Him to nourish and sustain you this season, here are some simple ways you can abide and thrive: 

  1. Give yourself permission to hibernate and recharge for a few weeks. Use those extra dark mornings to spend more quiet time with God. Snuggle in bed a bit longer, warm your toes by a fire, and read a few books that will help you grow spiritually. I love when I can stay at home and have extended times of fellowship with the Lord. 
  1. Plan a future trip or a short getaway! Having something to look forward to can give you hope for the warmer days ahead. Not only will it give you something to plan while stuck inside, but you’ll find better deals and more availability by reserving early. We just booked a fall-weekend away! 
  1. Try bringing some of the outside indoors. I bring all of my plants that are normally on my back porch inside for the winter. I love seeing touches of green in every room. I also have logs by my fireplace, and use twig bunches as decor. Be creative and find pieces of nature to fill your space. 
  1. Try keeping a few twinkly lights out even after the holidays have ended. Once I put the Christmas decor away, I enjoy putting up my winter decorations. This way, instead of things appearing empty or dreary, I see flickering candles, pretty lanterns and illuminated bottles. 

I pray that you will use your extra indoor time to abide with the Lord. May the Holy Spirit help you see the wonder and beauty of this season, and give you the desires of your heart as you thrive in Him.

Stay cozy.

Planning for MORE in 2024

As I was praying about 2024, I felt the Lord wanted me (and all of us) to continue to focus on three key activities: ABIDE, GROW and SERVE. 

As we enter into the excitement of a new year, we should ask ourselves the following questions:

1. How will I continue to ABIDE with God in the secret place in 2024?

The secret place is our place of refuge, protection, provision and relationship with the Lord (see Psalm 91). Cultivating a lifestyle of dwelling with His Presence and His Word is vital for the coming year. We can live from our spiritual high place of authority, peace and rest. This resurrected perspective helps us focus on God’s promises and goodness instead of any lack, want or need.

Think of ways that you can prioritize abiding in Christ this year. Perhaps it’s more prayer, scripture, journaling, or worship. Think of creative ways you can cultivate the secret place-dwelling in your everyday life. 

2. How will I continue to GROW spiritually in 2024?

As a result of abiding in the secret place (see above) we can expect to receive wisdom, revelation, and protection from our faithful Father. God has promised to finish and perfect the good work He has started in us (Philippians 1:6). Expect to grow in grace, favor, power, resources and abilities this year! Continue to persevere in renewing your mind with the truth of God’s Word and to stretch your faith. 

Be intentional regarding your spiritual growth. Maybe attending certain conferences, small groups, or bible studies will help. Perhaps you enjoy reading spiritual growth books or listening to inspirational podcasts. Do whatever you need to do to develop deeper roots in your spirit this year.

3. How will I continue to SERVE others in 2024?

Another result of abiding in Christ is that we bear much fruit (John 15:5). This fruit isn’t a product of our individual striving – it’s a product of God’s Spirit, grace, strength, and power. The Bible tells us not to grow weary or give up in doing good, but His strength will energize us to serve others in amazing ways. 

As we receive from God, we are to give to others in return. Look for opportunities this year to bless others, pray for them, and bring them into their own divine encounters! Share revelation, prophetic words, and healing with those around you. Sign up for ministry opportunities in church and in your community. Give of your time, treasure and talents as you feel led by the Holy Spirit. 

I pray that you prioritize ABIDING. GROWING and SERVING, and that 2024 will be your year of MORE! 

6 Financial Blessings in 6 Months!

Ever wonder why your giving isn’t reaping to its fullest?

I’ll never forget the first time my husband, Scott, told me that he was writing a check to the church. I was a new Christian at the time, so I was surprised and asked him, “What for?” Scott proceeded to explain to me the biblical principle known as “tithing”, and as believers, we give 10% of our income back to God. Needless to say, I was quite upset but admittedly a little intrigued. 

Due to Scott’s faithfulness 23 years ago, we have continued to give back to God every single month. We have been blessed. We have had more than enough money to pay our bills, pay off debt, and live comfortably. In reality, we have been living under the blessing (and certainly not the curse) as described in the book of Deuteronomy. Nevertheless, we’ve never really received any miraculous provision or financial breakthrough we’ve heard of others having.

We started attending a new church a few months ago. It was a decision we did not take lightly, and made only in agreement with each other and at the leading of the Holy Spirit. One of the key factors in choosing a new church was to find one that had financial accountability and was making an impact in the local community. We wanted to be sure our giving would count in the Kingdom of God. 

So we decided to partner with our new church and “go all in”. All I can say is, WOW!  For the past six months, since we have been sowing financially into our new church home, we have received six significant financial blessings! What confirmation this has been that we have chosen the right church for this season of our lives. 

Without getting into too many details, over the past six months, we have received not one but two pay increases, one crazy unexpected bonus, two lucrative investment strategies, and a costly financial planning document provided at no charge to us. It’s as though the doors of heaven have been pouring out a harvest of increase!

Coincidentally, we attended our new church for the first time on Pentecost Sunday. In the New Testament, that was the day the Holy Spirit was poured out on the church; but before that it was a holiday where the Israelites celebrated an abundant harvest!

As I’ve pondered these amazing blessings, I’ve come to the conclusion that: 

1. Faithfulness Brings Increase.  

God rewards us as we are faithful to His biblical principles. If we had never decided to give back to God a small portion of all that He has given us, we would never be in the financial position we are in now. “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a person sows, this he will also reap” (Galatians 6:7 NASB). We can decide to be givers or takers. We can faithfully lead by giving of our time, talents and resources to our community and church.

2. Step Out to Find Out.

If things are not working out in your current circumstances, take a small step of faith to see what may happen. You will quickly find out if God’s grace and favor are in that situation or not. If not, then pause, pray, and wait for the Holy Spirit’s leading. If so, then take a step farther toward the places God may be leading you. Change is scary, but without risk, we cannot stretch our faith.

3. Seed is for Planting, not Consumption. 

Why did our financial blessings become so much more pronounced once we began giving to another church? John Wimber, a founding leader of the Vineyard Movement said, “The Church is not the building, it’s the people. It’s not just the gathering, it’s also the scattering.” Churches that scatter (or invest) the seed (money) they receive through generous giving, praying, ministering, sending, and planting will reap a great harvest. The seed received is to be sown rather than hidden or hoarded. Remember the parable of the talents in Matthew 25? Only the two men that invested their money were rewarded.  

I pray this stirs your heart toward generosity, especially in this season of giving. May your faithfulness to God’s Word bring an increase to your life. As you step into the new things He wants to do in your life, be sure to partner with others who have generous hearts.

UPDATE: 2 more financial blessings since first writing this post! God is so good.

The Whole Word

 I was awakened and troubled by a dream I had the other night. In the dream, the “Abbreviated” Bible version had been released and was being sold. This Abbreviated Bible was a shortened version of Scripture, where almost half of the original phrasing had been eliminated. It was marketed as being the latest and greatest version, as the reader could ingest bite-size pieces of the Bible in mini-doses quite quickly. This version would appease the minimized attention span and the need for instant gratification of today’s society.

The frightening part was that I was really considered buying this Bible version, as the salesman so convincingly continued to praise its benefits. Suddenly, my husband, Scott, began to read a passage from the book aloud.  He realized that about 50% of the original wording was gone. He sternly suggested that I not buy the book. Then I awoke from the dream. 

As I processed this dream with the Lord, the Holy Spirit brought up 3 points that I wanted to share with you: 

1. Be alert for the enemy’s schemes to alter, remove, or distort what God says in His Word, no matter how charming or convincing of a salesman the devil may be. Determine to guard the entirety of God’s promises in your heart and mind.

2. Stay focused, determined, steadfast and grounded in God’s promises. Don’t try to take shortcuts to success. There is no abbreviated form of mind renewal or victory in God’s Kingdom. Through faith and patience we inherit the promises of God (Hebrews 6:12). This is a commitment of lifelong learning, growing and progress. 

3. Don’t be afraid to stand up for truth in today’s society, as Scott did in the dream. Remember that God’s truth trumps any so-called facts, and we are to be led by Holy Spirit not by fads and feelings. Truth is eternal, while facts are temporary!

Be blessed as you continue to chew, feast and meditate on the whole of God’s powerful word!

Perception Over Proof

In all honesty, I’ve been believing God for a lot lately. I’ve even given Him a deadline. How dare I do that, you ask? Well, I’m daring to believe that God has a good plan for my life, and that He’s willing and able to help. After all, who am I to deny what the Lord can do?

I like to call a problem that only God can solve a “God-sized” problem. Perhaps you have one or two God-sized problems of your own. Let’s face it – waiting is hard, and waiting well is even harder. But the Bible says that we can to be full of joy and peace as we believe, and that the Holy Spirit gives us power to remain hope-filled (Romans 15:13). Yet I had still been struggling with doubt and unbelief regarding the some of the God-sized problems I had. I knew I had some spiritual work to do.

So I sat down and had a heart-to-heart with God. I cried. I complained. I felt sorry for myself. I told the Lord that I didn’t understand why all this was still happening and why after so many years of believing nothing was changing. The Lord then, ever so gently, explained to me that things actually had been changing but I just hadn’t perceived them yet. Then I heard,

“Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

Could it be possible that while we are waiting on God to do something, we are actually missing what He is really doing? Perhaps we miss the things God is doing because they are not what we were expecting or hoping for. Maybe we’ve been too busy or distracted to catch what the Lord is trying to do for us or even in us. Perhaps what God is doing begins so small we deem it insignificant or silly. What if I pray for a tree and God gives me an acorn? Does that mean God didn’t answer me or that He isn’t working?

What if our perception of what God is doing is more significant than having proof of God working? Paul references the passage (above) in Isaiah as he explains that some will look and look with their eyes but will not see. He goes on to say that they shut tight their eyes so they will not perceive what God wants to do (Acts 28:26-27). I don’t know about you, but I have decided that I want to embrace and participate in whatever new thing God wants to do in my life, whatever that may look like.

While we’re still waiting on God, let’s be hopeful, expectant and assured that the Lord will perfect everything that concerns us (Psalm 138:8). And until He does, let’s speak, believe, see and partner with the things God is doing, no matter how small, insignificant or different they may seem. Amen.