A couple of weeks ago, as I was praying and talking with the Lord, I saw an image of a large, dark volcano erupting. I asked the Lord what it meant, and I felt in my spirit that this volcano symbolized a great breakthrough that was imminent in my life and circumstances. Additionally, as the ground around a volcano can begin to shake with activity and pressure soon before it erupts, so my soul was restless as I continued to wait for this impending release of miracles.
Soon after I began to see bright orange lava flowing out of the volcano. This fiery liquid represented the glory of the Lord, as it began to permeate the volcano, as if this heavenly glory was flowing in and through me! Consequently, this lava flow of the Spirit was resulting in a more fruitful heart and mind, in much the same way that actual lava results in enriched soil to areas surrounding the volcano.
In the weeks since this vision, I have been seeing volcanoes in books, and on television and the internet like never before! I can’t tell you how much this volcano image has meant to me, especially in this dry and weary season in which I’ve found myself.
I love the song titled “Something Has to Break” by Essential Worship, and when I heard it again today I was reminded of the volcano vision. Part of the song exclaims, “Something has to break! Tear down every lie. Set the wrong thing right. When you have Your way, something has to break! I believe You’ll get me to it. I believe You’ll lead me through it. I believe that You will do it right now. Something has to break!”
I believe that in the unseen, spiritual realm, prayers have been answered. Chains are broken. Justice has come. All is restored. I am deciding to partner with God and His agenda, rather than wavering and doubting along with the enemy. Things are already happening in the spiritual realm that will soon be made manifest here in the natural.
There is a lot of activity underneath a volcano before it erupts. It’s the same with our breakthrough. Just because we may not see anything happening in the natural, it doesn’t mean that nothing is happening in the spiritual realm.
Would you pray with me? Father God, as we anticipate our breakthrough, help us to endure the shaking and pressure of waiting. As Your glory is released through us, let us partner with Your plans for our growth and enrichment. May our lives be volcanic mountains of Your grace and promises. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.