As many of you know, I often receive visions while I worship the Lord, especially when I am worshipping with a body of believers. Sunday was New Year’s Day, and I was blessed with the following prophetic vision that I wanted to share with you.
First, I saw the torn veil that had been hanging in the temple. Then, I saw veils being torn off of our physical eyes and our spiritual eyesight. Then, I saw the ceiling above us being open as Heaven came down. Then, I saw us tearing our clothes (as they did in the Bible) as we humbly surrendered to the Lord. Finally, I saw our hearts being torn open as they were enlarged for an increase in affection for the Lord. Immediately, I was reminded of the scripture that says “Don’t tear your clothing, but tear your hearts instead.” (Joel 2:13)
As I processed this vision later, I felt like the Lord wanted to remind us of several things as we go into the New Year:
1. We have access to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit at all times and wherever we are. Unlike the temple in the Old Testament, where only the priest could enter in on certain occasions, Jesus has torn open the veil of separation that used to lie between us and the Father. Jesus, as our High Priest has made us all priests unto God. Amen!
2. We are entering into a season of increased vision and revelation, as the Holy Spirit is taking off the blinders and scales that are trying to hide what God is showing us.
3. The Heavens are open and ready to flood us with more power, ability, might, and increase! We need to agree, on earth as it is in Heaven! Let Heaven invade our earthly atmosphere. Let us live here on the earth from our resting place of being seated above with Him.
4. The tearing of clothes in the biblical days was a sign of grief, anger, or holy zeal! Let the true worshippers arise with a holy zeal as we praise our holy God. Nothing else will do, we cannot contain what is bursting out!
5. God is a Restorer. We can tear our hearts before the Lord, as we worship, praise, adore, surrender, and repent before Him. When Joel told the people to tear their hearts, the result was a complete restoration by God Almighty. He still wants to restore us fully today.
Have a blessed 2023!