A New Thing Coming

I didn’t realize it was Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year today, until I saw a Facebook reminder. I chuckled to myself as it was yet another sneaky reminder from the Lord of the message He had given me earlier in the week. 

Just a few days ago, I sensed that God wanted to release new relationships, new roles, new resources and new revelation in this season. Furthermore, I was supposed to partner with Him by believing, seeing and declaring that it would be so.

Soon afterward I was driving on my way to work, and a song began playing that confirmed what the Lord had just shared with me. I sang aloud with the band, “I can hear a sound, the abundance of rain, it looks like provision is headed our way. I can see a cloud, heavy with rain, it looks like revival is headed our way. I’ve got a new thing coming!”

I was reminded of two scriptures. The first being Isaiah 43:19,

Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it?”

The Holy Spirit will help us perceive, acknowledge, recognize, foresee, and expect the new things God is doing in our lives and circumstances. Plus, He longs for us to cooperate with His good plans for our lives. 

The second was the story of Elijah in I Kings. Elijah declares,

“…there is the sound of an abundance of rain” (I Kings 18:41, 44 AMP)

Here, Elijah is believing and declaring that rain is coming before he actually hears (or sees) any rain clouds in the physical sense. Yet he is expecting a downpour with his spiritual senses. His imagination coupled with his declaration became a manifestation! 

So what about you? What new things may the Lord be releasing in your life? What blessings could new relationships bring? Which new role might God be birthing in you? What kind of new resources are on the horizon? What new wisdom and revelation is headed your way?

Even though you may not see these things with your physical senses yet, are you able to foresee or imagine them with the eyes of your spirit? Can you expect them by faith? Are you willing to partner with God in acknowledgement and expectation? Your imagination coupled with your declaration can become a manifestation! 

Declare with me today: “I’ve got a new thing coming!”