We’ve mentioned before that as believers, many times we must believe before we see. Jesus taught that we are blessed when we don’t see but can still believe (John 20:29). Nevertheless, pictures have power because they focus us.
A vision board can serve as a useful tool to help us see physically what we are believing in spiritually. If we can envision our future first in our spirits, it will more likely happen in the physical realm.
How To Create Your Vision Board:
1. Pray and process with the Holy Spirit some ideas of what God’s vision for your life would look like.
2. Gather several images, ideas, concepts, examples, words and phrases that represent that vision for yourself (and perhaps your family). These images can be on paper or computer depending upon your preference and availability.
3. Decide whether to create a virtual board or a traditional board. Pinterest is wonderful for making a virtual board or visit your local craft store for poster board, stickers, and other needed supplies. The internet is full of ideas and examples of vision boards. We have several examples on our Pinterest page here: https://www.pinterest.com/vision2victory/vision-to-victory/
4. Once ready, add all your items to the board.
5. Place your board where you can glance at it often and be inspired.